Environmental and Social Responsibility

As a responsible professional service provider, we understand that in order to secure the long-term future of Ourside, we must act in the best interests of our stakeholders, including our employees, clients, and the wider community. Whenever possible, we engage with clients and projects that aspire to tackle environmental and social issues through technology. We look for opportunities to make a positive impact on our surroundings and those around us.

Environmental and Social Responsibility

Our Principles

Be honest, even when it hurts.

We are dedicated to being open and honest with our employees, clients and suppliers regarding the policies that govern our business and the reasoning behind them. We believe in communicating candidly and respectfully with our employees and clients at all times — even when it’s not easy to do so.

Commit to sustainable progress.

We strive to be the best at what we do, but we also believe that the growth of our organisation shouldn’t come at the expense of the environment or the people we work with. The concerns and suggestions of clients and employees will be considered when making changes/adding to our environmental and social policies. These will be developed in accordance with the latest scientific evidence and technological advancements, as well as the effective management of costs and workload.

Do our bit.

In addition to taking on projects which aim to protect and enhance our natural environment, we are committed to reducing our negative impact by making well-informed executive decisions. As an organisation, we endeavour to improve our energy efficiency, limit unnecessary travel, reuse and recycle where possible, and significantly reduce our commutes by operating from a state-of-the-art, local coworking space.

Build meaningful connections.

We are devoted to maintaining a professional atmosphere where employees feel heard, appreciated, and secure. We value (and will continue to promote) equality and diversity both inside and outside of our organisation. The happiness and well-being of our employees are very important to us; we encourage employees in their professional development and when they pursue further education/training.

Demonstrate consistent compliance.

Ourside is committed to upholding all legislation that applies to our industry. Where there are no policies or legislation in place to determine how we should respond to a particular situation, we are committed to developing our own standards which will adhere to ethical principles.

Copyright 2023 Booniverse Limited t/a Ourisde.

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